Anggota Gratis
TOKO GPS ( Gunapris Group) 02199952977,  99777270,  08179123511
TOKO GPS ( Gunapris Group) 02199952977, 99777270, 08179123511

menampilkan 49 dari 82

Katalog Produk

Gas Alert Max XT 2 - H2S, CO, O2 and Combustibles[3 Nov. 2011, 22:27:34]
HargaCall : 021-99952977 / 08179123511
Jumlah Pesanan: Tambah ke Keranjang
Cara PembayaranTunai
Kemas & PengirimanBox
Negara AsalAmerika Serikat
Go the distance, and save

GasAlertMax XT II is the smart, simple, economical way to compliance. Workers feel safe and incidents are minimized so everyone will be able to do more. That means savings realized from business continuity and productivity.

Simple operation, with SmartSample pump.
GasAlertMax XT II reliably monitors up to four hazards and combines straightforward one-button operation with our robust, motorized pump for intelligent, remote sampling, ideal for confined spaces. The GasAlertMax XT II is fully compatible with MicroDock II automated test and calibration system.
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