COMPRESSION MACHINE ASTM C-109 For determining compressive strength of cement mortar. For sample size 2 " x 2 " x 2 " cube or 2 " diameter x 4 " height cylinder. Steel frame, 12 " diameter force....
PT. MBT Mektan Babakan Tujuh utama ( since 1974) 085.2221.77772 adalah Produsen Alat Lab. Teknik Sipil, memproduksi & menyediakan kebutuhan peralatan laboratorium pengujian Tanah, Beton, Aspal, Alat....
ibrating Table Konstruksi baja 50 x 50 cm meja kotak kontrol terpisah, variabel kecepatan hingga 3.600 rpm. Untuk compacting agregat dalam wadah baja atau sampel beton dalam kubus / cetakan silinder....
Peralatan untuk membentuk tutup pada ujung silinder beton 15 cm diameter untuk memberikan permukaan loading seragam untuk uji tekan. Vertical Cylinder Capper Cast alumunium frame, rotating ground....
CO-370 SLUMP TEST SET; ASTM C-143 / AASHTO T-119 For determining slump/ workability of concrete both in the laboratory and in the field. Consist of : CO-371 Slump Cone ( 1 pc) Heavy gauge sheet....
Untuk percobaan pencampuran beton untuk desain campuran. Approx. 70 ltr cap, 4 pisau pencampuran., dilas rangka baja, 2 roda untuk gerakan mudah, motor listrik 1 / 3 HP, 220 V-AC, 1 Phase. Juga....
Kami berupaya membantu untuk menyelematkan Investasi anda di bidang � � � Konstruksi Bangunan/ Gedung / Jalan, Riset/ Penelitian, Sipil Engineering� � � menjadi � � � Bernilai Tinggi� � � dengan memilih dan....
HYDRAULIC CONCRETE BEAM TESTING MACHINE; ASTM C-78 For determining the flexural strength of comcrete beam by using a simple beam with third point loading. Welded steel construction. 100 kN....
CO- 321 Series; COMPRESSION MACHINE ( Hydraulic Hand Pump) ASTM C-39 CO-321.3 = 1500 kN capacity CO-321.4 = 2000 kN capacity CO-321.5 = 3000 kN capacity CO- 325 Series; COMPRESSION MACHINE ( ....
CONCRETE TEST HAMMER - Series, Original Schmidt� � , Matest, Tecnotest, elcometer ( ASTM C-805) CONCRETE TEST HAMMER Type N, NR, L/ LR, LB, DIGI-Schmidt 2000 ( Non-Destructive Testing of Hardened....
AIR CONTENT OF FRESH MIXED CONCRETE; ASTM C-231 / AASHTO T-152 For determining the air content of fresly mixed concrete from observation of the change in volume of concrete with a change in....
Cast besi, untuk membentuk sampel silinder beton Beton Silinder Mold: - 10 cm diameter x 20 cm Beton Silinder Mold: - 15 cm diameter x 30 cm Dimensi ( l x w x h) : - 15x15x25 cm / ....
Cast Iron, for forming concrete cube mold Dimension ( I x W x H ) : 20 x 20 x 15 cm / 25 x 25 x 20 cm Gross weight : 14 Kg / 19 Kg Kami berupaya membantu untuk menyelematkan Investasi anda di....
ARSHALL TEST SET; ASTM D-1559 AASHTO T-245 For determining the resistance to plastic flow of cylinder specimen of bituminous paving mixture loaded on the lateral surface by means of the marshall....
AUTOMATIC ASPHALT COMPACTOR; BS 598-107, EN 12697-30 Feature : The use automatic compaction will result in consistensi and repeatable laboratory specimens, suitable for BS 598. Testing houses and....
EFLUX EXTRACTOR TEST SET, ASTM D-2172 / AASHTO T-164 For determining bitument content in hot mixed paving mixture and pavement sample Consist of : BI-311 Reflux Extractor Consist of : BI-311.1....