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Tatto Set, Set of Letter A-Z, Tatto Ink, Allflex Tag Blank, Tag Applicator, Ear Punch, Ear Notcher, Marking Stick, Hot & Freeze Brander, Hauptner Tattoo Forcep, Hog Slapper.
The Winpact Scientific Fermentor is a programmable fermentation system with a user-friendly interface design. It is offered as a complete system including all the necessary....
Micropipette Multichannel

Optiload tip loading for easy tip loading
and ejection, as well as excellent tip
sealing in multichannel models

Micropipette Adjustable Volume
BOECO SP Series Adjustable Volume Pipette, with tip ejector, fully autoclavable.

Manufactured in EU in accordance with ISO 13485 / 9001 / 14001
quality and enviromental....
Micropipette fixed volume
- Fully autoclavable without disassembling ( 20 min. at 121Â ° C)
- Ergonomic design
- Good chemical & UV-light resistance
- Thermal insulation of internal components

The BMO 35 moisture analyzer is fast, reliable, fully automatic and easy
to use. After lowering the hood, two powerful infrared dark radiators
begin drying the sample.
Balances BEB/ BLC Models
BEB Models
- BEB 43 Readability 0, 001g Capacity 120g Pan Size dia.97mm
- BEB 55 Readability 0, 01g Capacity 210g Pan Size dia.97mm
- BEB 53 Readability 0, 01g Capacity 610g....
Balances BBL Model
BBL Models:
- BBL 31 Readibility 0, 0001g Capacity 210g Pan Size dia.80mm
- BBL 32 Readibility 0, 0001g Capacity 120g Pan Size dia.80mm
- BBL 41 Readibility 0, 001g Capacity....
Balances BBC/ BBI Model
- BBC 22 Readibility 0, 00001g Capacity 60g Pan size dia.80mm.

- BBI 31 Readibility 0, 0001g capacity 230g Pan size dia.90mm.
- BBI 32 Readibility 0, ....
Ductless fume hood
Lab companionâ € ™ Ductless Fume Hoods are manufactured and gone through complete safety tests of rigorously international standards as below
-Efficiency, Capacity of Activated....
Magnetic Drive
These drives are designed for an agitation with full vacuum of flask. Also, its exchangeable according to users needs like replacing impeller and shaft.

Model name
Cold trap bath
Cold trap bath

â € ¢ Digital display for bath temperature
â € ¢ Compact and noiseless precision design
â € ¢ Dissolving system for ice or solid matter stuck on the bath

Vacuum pump
Rotary vacuum pump

Direct connecting oil sealed and backward flow preventive equipped rotary vacuum pumps, which are essentially used
with vacuum ovens to get high-degree....
Clean bench
Vertical type laminar flow clean bench
â € ¢ ISO 14644-1 Class 4 air
( formerly Class 10 per Federal Standard 209E)
â € ¢ Supply HEPA filter, 99.99% efficient on particles 0....
Ultrasonic cleaner
Aggressive cleaning ability in a variety of sizes!
Industrial B.L.T type ultrasonic transducer ( Bolt Clamped Langevin Type Transducer) generates high-frequency sound waves that....
Flask Support
Its concave recesses secure safety including various flask shapes.
Convenient grip for easy to carry.
Recognizable name tag provide for easy classification.( except FT010 34)
Electric aspirator pump
Portable dual-channel, water-jet aspirator pumps
VE-11 creates vacuum by an aspirator pump that is dependent on the vapor pressure of water; which, in turn, is a function of....
Clean high temperature oven
Horizontal air circulation oven
HEPA filter ensures Class 100 cleanliness level for total safe drying performance

Model name
- OC-300H ( 343L)
- OC-500H ( 512L)
- OC-700H....
High temperature oven
Intensive drying performance with a powerful air-flowing
High air exchange rates and short rise times that guarantee intensive drying performance

Model name
- OF-300H ( 343L) ....
Temperature & Humidity chamber ( Walk-in type)
Custom-made walk-in type chambers
Perfectly controlled temperature and humidity testing room for any kind of industrial reliability test

Model name
- THG/ TG-S8000L ( 8000L/ ....
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